25. april vil bokaktuelle Philipp Weiss fra Sverige holder et foredrag «Edible Landscapes for the North: with focus on nuts».
Om Phillip Weiss:
“Edible Landscapes for the North Philipp Weiss, author of the critically acclaimed book “Skogsträdgården: odla ätbart överallt” (2018) and the forthcoming “Nötodlarens handbok” (May 2022) presents a vision on how we can reduce our dependence on annual industrial agriculture by creating edible landscapes that are based around nut crops. He draws on numerous examples from northern countries to show some of the many ways edible landscapes can be created, with the aim of achieving better food security, improved biodiversity, adapt to climate change while giving us all a healthier diet.”
Besøk nettsiden til Phillip for å lese mer om hans skogshage:
Skogsträdgårdsbloggen – Odla ätbart överallt (xn--stjrnsund-x2a.nu)